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With fixed rates the PVs out of competitions from 01.01.21.

Apart from the changes in the Reference Prices of RES technologies that are not required to participate in tenders, it appears that the relevant Ministerial Decision of the RIS will provide for a modification of the tariff methodology for non-participating PVs. That is, for smaller than 500 KW (or less than 1 MW for energy communities).

In practice, the price at which they sell their electricity will not be set by the weighted average of the last three competitions, but a tariff will be set that will be valid for one year, starting in 2021. At the same time it is being examined (but no decision has been taken) changing the 500 KW threshold for which PVs are required to participate in RAE competitions and which ones are not.

This is evident from what the Secretary of State for Environment and Energy, Gerasimus Thomas, revealed in his reply to the House, adding that these prices would apply from 01.01.21. On the issues of PV installation on High Productivity Land, the Ministry of Environment and Energy is in cooperation with the Ministry of Rural Development and Food for the purpose of completing the Joint Ministerial Decision provided for in article 24 of Law 4643/2019 ( Government Gazette A '193), concerning the specific framework for the installation of photovoltaic stations in high productive agricultural land.
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